Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Surfing Al-Hadid

Stu Hollins, feeling it, surfs an installation of Diana Al-Hadid's in 2005

I recently emailed with a gentleman by the name of Marc Weidenbaum who writes disquiet.com, he had some questions regarding cameras and photography in general. After looking at his blog it was clear that I didn't have that much to offer. His pictures were already good, but I said what I knew and he was appreciative. Anyways, back to his blog, turns out he's done some posts on Diana and has put together some great insight that I'd like to share. Here's his Al-Hadid posts:
Most recent at Perry Rubenstein
This past summer at Tonya Bonakdar
As he's someone who gravitates toward sound art, he was struck with the sound aspect of Diana's sculptures. Wow, I think they're both geniuses, Marc & Diana. One for making this thing that can resonate at a frequency that we can only see, and the other for noticing. If anyone's familiar with my work, you know that I sometimes plug stuff in to try to create dramatic, often ineffective, effects. I happily got sidetracked to this very thing that's got Marc's attention, that visual noise and what I've often referred to as "implied kinetics". More fun, less frustrating, and I can install in a flash. Thanks Marc, Thanks Diana, and most of all, Thank you Stu, for hamming it up when I need it.

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